I know it might sound fake, but it is true. The YouTuber Jimmy Donaldson who is known as Mr. Beast, forgets to sleep while editing his YouTube videos.
Not sleeping for one or two days is fine, but for more than a week straight? Isn’t it pretty impossible?
I don’t know why it reminds me of the Russian sleep experiment. Those people became insane, and here we are with Jimmy.
I think he is someone who is truly in love with his work, and this is what keeps him going, and there is no debate about it.
It is pretty evident. The YouTuber was called for an interview, and in that interview, he revealed some greater facts about his lifestyle, work, and success story.
Okay, let me ask you a question. Have you ever seen someone who is so successful that people think he is fake?
Yes, Jimmy Donaldson is one of them. This YouTuber gives away big cashback and some trips to the winners that he chooses from his subscribers.
But sometimes, the cash prizes look like they are fake. But why? Isn’t it a good thing to be generous? Yes, it is.
But the cash prizes are so big in an amount that people don’t believe in them. Let’s know some more interesting facts about him.
His Unreal Life

His unreal life is actually real. This person is not someone who is a freak and looks like a beast. He looks pretty decent and is a happy soul.
Starting from talking with a smile on, this YouTuber worships his work, and it’s pretty clear. The best thing about it is that he has been doing things pretty brilliantly.
We all have a weekly or at least a daily schedule, and most of us try to stick to it, right? But this man works with his heart.
Jimmy Donaldson said in that interview that the very sense of taking a day off suffocates him. It creates a kind of pressure on him.
He does not have weekends. Yes, Mr. Beast works whenever he wants. And the incident of being awake for 8 days straight happened.
Jimmy was editing his videos, and he just became so engaged with it that the fact that he needed to take rest didn’t come to his mind.
After 8 days, the young man realized that he needed to take rest. Therefore, he binge-watched his favorite anime series.
So, what do you think? Is it okay to not sleep for 8 days straight? I would definitely not recommend that. It does not matter how passionate you are about your work, but you need to stop at some point.
Do what works for you. Just because Jimmy is your ideal and he is doing it, so you need to do the same.
Why don’t you just sleep at night and work efficiently all day long? Gyles Brandreth, who described British history in one minute, is not a supernatural being, and it didn’t happen in one day.
It’s about the experience. So, keep it slow and efficient.